Saturday, February 04, 2012

Diversity 101 (The Basics)

Hello everyone! This will be my first post about diversity in workplaces. Just like other sources, I guess we should start with the basics to understand this topic. To help you guys understand what diversity is all about, I've decided to design my blog simple and easy to understand. So, lets start! :)

1. What is diversity??? I think this video I found at YouTube already explained it very well. You'll be the judge... 

So what you think? Seriously right??? Wow. An old wooden ship that was used during the civil war era? And come to think of it, his friend next to him agreed too.

2. What do humans use as a basis? Here are some examples...
  • Age
  • Abilities
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Religious Beliefs
  • Social Class
  • Political Affiliations
  • Family Structure
  • Learning Styles
  • Geographical Region
  • Language
  • Nationality
  • Education

Sometimes people get affected when they try to apply for jobs. Some employers create stereotypes and biases during interviews. Which is not suppose to happen. But hey, welcome to the real world. Not all people has the same character/personality as you are.

3. Who are those people being affected because of stereotypes and biases?

  • Minority groups - people who are socially disadvantaged because of their relative powerlessness. (e.g. Women, Aboriginals, Disabled, etc.) Usually the group who often experience prejudice and discrimination.
  • Visible Minorities - In Canada, it refers to people other than Aboriginals who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in skin color. (e.g. Filipino, Chinese, Blacks, Indians, etc.)

4. How should we prevent workplace biases or stereotypes?

We and employers should realize that most of us here in Canada came from another country. All of us are immigrants with different talents, ideas, work ethics, etc. One should not believe that their race is superior than the other. Canada is one of the most powerful and respectable countries because of its diversity. We are one of the most diverse countries in the world - 2nd only to Australia. Good thing we have the Canadian Human Rights Act who prohibits discrimination and Employment Standards Act/Employment Equity who makes sure every individual should be treated equally. They shall support those people who feel they have been mistreated unequally. Companies should also realize the importance of diversity which I would talk about on my next blog post.

In conclusion, diversity covers a wide range of people with different race, abilities, beliefs, etc. Some people are mistreated unequally during at work, interviews or even at their personal lives because of their cultural background, sexual orientation or nationality. Canada is lucky because of its number of diverse people. There are laws that prevents discrimination towards minority groups like women and disabled people and also laws that help them find jobs and live life peacefully. Without diversity in workplace, companies block themselves from different ideas and talents that comes from different people around the globe. Stay tuned on my next blog where I explain the advantages and disadvantages of having a diverse workplace.

Until then, thanks for participating/viewing my blog! :)

- R.

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